Webinar: Carbon pricing as a win-win solution for a green recovery

Webinar in association with Global Solar Council.
As the global economy starts to rebound from the trauma of the pandemic, governments are faced with twin challenges:
- There is a need to turn promises of a green recovery into an effective set of policy instruments that provide financing and support for an unprecedented wave of clean energy investment;
- Public finances have been severely stretched by emergency measures during the pandemic, limiting options to raise new funds.
- In most OECD countries tax on incomes cannot be raised further to repay recovery (it should be reduced instead)
- General progress in terms of redesigning fiscal systems as instruments for environmental and climate policy objectives is insufficient
- Most countries – not only oil exporters – need to move to phase out fossil fuels subsidies that are contributing to significant environmental and climate damage
The cost of green energy sources such as a solar PV have plummeted, but crisis-induced low fossil prices are still damaging their competitiveness
Putting a global price on carbon emissions presents a unique solution for overcoming post-pandemic fiscal stress and boosting the transition to green technologies.
This webinar will:
- Explain why this is the perfect time to expand carbon pricing in the world;
- Examine how it will work;
- Explore the benefits to fiscal regimes, trade, investment and climate policy.
14:00 Introduction and moderation
- Gianni Chianetta – CEO of GSC and President of WCP
14:05 Presentation of WCP
- Attilio Piattelli – Vice President & Secretary General of WCP
14:15 Carbon pricing for solar revolution
- Paul Ekins – Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy and Director, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London
14:30 What role for carbon pricing in a green recovery?
- Jonas Teusch – Economist, Tax and the Environment Unit, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
14:45 Perspectives of ETS, CBAM, energy taxation in the European Union
- Hans Bergman – Head of Unit B1 – ETS Policy Development & Auctioning, Directorate-General Climate Action, European Commission
15:00 Perspectives of environmental transition in the US Tax System
- Marc Hafstead – Fellow and Director, Carbon Pricing Initiative, Resources for the Future
15:15 Roundtable (moderated by Michele Governatori – Coordinator Scientific Committee of WCP)
- All above speakers
- Stephan Singer – Senior Climate Science and Global Energy Policy Advisor, Climate Action Network
- Min Li – Chief Representative – China, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
15:55 Wrap up
16:00 End of Event