
Webinar | Will the energy crisis accelerate commitments toward the decarbonisation of the energy mix?

GSC Webinar in cooperation with WCP While the world’s economies recover from the Covid pandemic, demand dynamics for many goods […]

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Riforma ecologica del fisco italiano: stato dell’arte

A cura di: ITALIA SOLARE e Worldwide Carbon Price (WCP)  29 Ottobre 20219.30-11.00Rimini, Fiera Sala Mimosa (B6)  È pronto un […]

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WCP WEBINAR: Assessing the EU proposal to extend the ETS in light of the experiences with Germany’s new system.

16 July 2021 The webinar assessed the Germany’s experience on the ETS extension, collect hints for the EU overall policy […]

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Towards an EU Market for Negative Emissions

The UN IPCC highlights the need to develop negative emission technologies and deliver carbon removal from the atmosphere at scale […]

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Webinar: Carbon pricing as a win-win solution for a green recovery

Webinar in association with Global Solar Council. As the global economy starts to rebound from the trauma of the pandemic, […]

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